The Art Whisperer

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The Art Whisperer takes us on a cultural journey into the unknown. Founder of Artzu - Nick Betney - surveys the artistic landscape and treats us to the highs and lows of the contemporary art world. Occasionally whilst riding his bike, Nick gives us an insight into the extraordinary.

Artwork by The Art Whisperer

A Personal Service for Art Collectors and Clients by The Art Whisperer
A Personal Service for Art Collectors and Clients
Providing a personal service for art collectors and clients
Personal Art Service
YouTube Video
Artzu is on the move
YouTube Video
Celebrate 25 Years with Artzu !
MacDonaldland - A Decade of Obsession
MacDonaldland - A Decade of Obsession
YouTube Video
Those Bloody Pink Shoes!
Emotions with Art - A Human Response
When was the last time you felt emotional when you looked at a piece of art? The Art Whisperer invites us to recollect a memory that triggers a response.
YouTube Video
Interface Installation - Clerkenwell Design Week
YouTube Video
A Different Perspective - Yorkshire Sculpture Park
Rio Ferdinand's World Cup Wind Ups (David James)
Rio Ferdinand's World Cup Wind Up's with David James
YouTube Video
Surprise photographic exhibition found in Noto, Sicily!