Shield of She by Stephen Farley ARBSA

Shield of She by Stephen Farley ARBSA
Shield of She by Stephen Farley ARBSA

As the title infers 'Shield of She' exists in awe of female resilience. As a male artist it's an engendered strength I can never fully understand or entirely appreciate. But I can envisage what protection a mother can summon to keep her children safe. The trigger for this piece was learning of the term 'Shield Maiden' during a conversation about Nordic folklore with a female health professional. It set my imagination toward thinking what emotional barriers are needed to deflect the everyday trauma of a hospital shift. Shield of She by Stephen Farley ARBSA won 1st prize at the Royal Birmingham Society of Artists Summer Show.

Other images of Shield of She by Stephen Farley ARBSA
Shield of She by Stephen Farley ARBSA
Shield of She by Stephen Farley ARBSA
Shield of She by Stephen Farley ARBSA
Shield of She by Stephen Farley ARBSA
Shield of She by Stephen Farley ARBSA
Shield of She by Stephen Farley ARBSA
Shield of She by Stephen Farley ARBSA
Shield of She by Stephen Farley ARBSA
Shield of She by Stephen Farley ARBSA
Shield of She by Stephen Farley ARBSA